Sunday, January 8, 2012

Always Speak Boldly in Support of Abstinence Until Marriage

All Christians should always speak up boldly about how everyone should wait until marriage to have sex. I was very encouraged to learn that a Christian singer, Rebecca St. James recently spoke boldly about how important it is for people to wait until marriage to have sex on TV.  Check out the video of the discussion. It was so sad that Jay Thomas, the radio host said that when it came to sex before marriage, he doesn’t “buy a car before driving it first,” suggesting that not sleeping with your future spouse could lead to complications in marriage. 

It is so sad that Jay compares a potential spouse to an inanimate object. You can certainly not compare a car to a potential spouse. You should focus on getting to know a potential future spouse’s character without having sex and trust God’s will that it is best for you to wait until you are married to have sex.   Check out the benefits of abstinence until marriage.

I personally believe one of the reasons why so many young people are sexually active before marriage is due to all of the lies they hear from the media & the world about sex. I remember an incident when I was in high school that one high school student bragged about how he already had sex and how our interpreter spoke boldly about how she waited until she was married to have sex and that her husband was the only man she had sex with. I really appreciate her bold stand in a public school environment. We need more Christians to speak up boldly about staying pure.   Look to Tim Tebow and Rebecca St. James as good examples of bold Christians. Don’t be afraid to take a bold stand on purity even if you don’t receive much support. I believe that more young people would stay pure if more Christians would speak up boldly about the importance of saving sex for marriage.

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